Tea towel and bag are two MUST things for people in UK. Those items are everywhere, even in the supermarket. Tea bag could have incredible taste and towels with brilliant design.
正因為茶文化滲入到英國社會各個階層,具有豐富的層次和社交功能,所以消費市場可觀,也促進茶的傳統延續和創新。你可以著正裝,坐在如皇家花園的tea house 輕啜英式下午茶,並仔細品嘗三層下午茶點;也可以宅在家裡,以最慵懶的姿態將各種風味的茶包投入馬克杯中,用湯匙老起茶包,享受溫暖的me time;如果有朋自遠方來,不妨拿出珍藏的茶巾,共同享受一個天南地北的午後。
This is quite impressive since we are promoting the tea from the east but looks like fall behind in both tea appreciation/acceptance society and through commercial innovation race aspects.