You can never resist the charisma from special edition of English tea set because they have vibrant appearance, beautiful illustration, smart design, and most important of all an affordable price.
(Key words: UK+T2+Tea for one sets+Tall tales tea for one)
This specific theme behind the tall tales collection is about 'The tortoise who humbled the hippopotamus'.
The charm of English tea culture is the continuity. I would say it belong to history and contemporary society. The transformative shape and the diverse colour of those tea set keep them alive and active. They could easily use their strength to go viral and lead the culture, as they commit and shift to cater the preferences of modern life.
This specific theme behind the tall tales collection is about 'The tortoise who humbled the hippopotamus'.
Happy to have this elegant and wonderful tea set join the table. Imagine these aquatic creature flows and swing in the pound, made the afternoon tea become bright and fantasy like the film 'Life of Pi'.
Happy to have this elegant and wonderful tea set join the table. Imagine these aquatic creature flows and swing in the pound, made the afternoon tea become bright and fantasy like the film 'Life of Pi'.